Dr. Patterson and our skilled dental team provide preventive and restorative care to keep your gums healthy. If you experience signs of gum disease or other oral health concerns, visit your trusted Cypress dentist!
Gum (periodontal) disease is an infection in your gum tissues. Despite what the name implies, it also affects the soft tissues and ligaments that support your teeth. Gum disease is one of the leading causes of loss in adult patients.
Because gum disease is usually a painless condition in its early stages, most patients don’t even realize anything is wrong. Gum disease can present in different ways, depending on your medical history, but it often occurs in two stages: the first stage, gingivitis, and periodontitis, the advanced stage.
Here are some of the signs and symptoms commonly associated with gum disease:
While the initial signs of gum disease are minor, signs of worsening gum disease can be very severe. The symptoms can include:
While gum disease can be caused by different health and lifestyle factors, the most common cause is poor oral hygiene. Without good at-home care, plaque and tartar build on the surfaces of your teeth, leading to infections and decay. Good at-home care and brushing and flossing habits are the keys to preventing gum disease.
Even with good oral health, your risk of developing gum disease may be increased for the following reasons:
Our dentist will discuss your gum health during your next appointment, including any lifestyle or medical factors that could be contributing to your chance of developing gum disease.
At Towne Lake Dentistry, we offer both surgical and non-surgical gum disease treatment options to get your oral health back on track. Here are the services we may recommend to combat gum disease and give you back your beautiful, healthy smile: